Solana Dust Vacuum

Welcome to Solana Dust Vacuum! Our mission is to recycle your dust, freeing validators from storing useless accounts while rewarding users with the sol invested in the account rent.

Our main goal is to free the ever-increasing database that the validators have to store, allowing transactions to run smoothly, and lowering the requirements for new validators, which would ultimately speed up the network.

In the same way that recycling our trash helps the environment, closing old accounts helps the Solana ecosystem while returning the rent allocated. Closing accounts often show a care for the ecosystem and give financial returns, win, win!

Why do we need a tool like Sol Dust Vacuum?

While is possible to close accounts manually, and is the preferable way to close one or two accounts, the process is time-consuming and requires some technical expertise.

With the actual state of Solana, where so many tokens are hitting the crazy market cap, while many more are sinking like a rock. It's a matter of time until we have our wallets with dozens of useless accounts.

This led to Solana having a larger ledger than Ethereum, despite being in beta.

Solana Dust Vacuum was born from a personal pain, to help others who are not tech-savvy, help the network, and most importantly reclaim that juicy rent that is allocated on all those accounts.

The relation between accounts and network speed

The main difference between Solana and Ethereum is that Solana introduced the concept of Account. In short, you can think of it as a folder, where you can store some data. This new approach has a lot of advantages, like enabling developers to build amazing projects that wouldn't be possible, and having the speed of Solana while maintaining the transaction fees pretty low.

This approach comes with some drawbacks. For illustration, you can imagine that every time that you trade a new token a new wallet is created just to hold that new token that you have bought.

You can see that this gets big really quickly. To run a Solana validator you need at least 500GB to store just the account information. For comparison to run an Ethereum validator, you need around 400GB to store all the data of the network.

Every time that you send a transaction the validator needs to loop over all those accounts to find your account. More accounts, more time takes to find your account, and this can be the cause for most of your transactions not going through.

Account rent

Those accounts to be activated need to have rent allocated. This rent serves to pay for the allocation of the accounts. Unfortunately, we cannot escape from this rent, and for any new token that we buy, we must allocate this rent. The good news is that this rent is reclaimable at the moment that you close this account.

In the beginning, Solana used to allow us to define a rent period and pay just for that period. Solana also has the option of a rent exception that is the equivalent of 2 years of rent. Now Solana only allows rent exception operations. This is the origin of the value 0.0020392 that we often see in the transactions.

Product Overview

Solana Dust Vaccum allows for a quick and easy closing process:

  • Close accounts: uses the Solana Token Program, a standard Solana program, to assemble the burn and close instructions for the selected accounts in the backend. The whole process can be done with a few clicks.

  • Sweep all tokens: (coming soon) allows you to trade a list of tokens in a single transaction. Useful for tokens that might still have market value. Using the Jupiter API we fetch the best routes for swapping the tokens, assemble the transaction, and send for signature.

  • Close NFTs: (coming soon) used for burning NFTs and closing the respective account.

By implementing those solutions and facilitating the process of closing accounts, SDV aims to improve the ecosystem and reward users.

Last updated